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Where to Start When Cross Stitching: A Beginner's Guide

Cross stitching is a delightful craft that has been enjoyed for centuries. It's not only a relaxing pastime but also a creative outlet that allows you to make beautiful pieces of art. However, if you're new to cross stitching, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Fear not! In this beginner's guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to start your cross-stitching journey.

Gather Your Supplies:

Before you start stitching, you'll need a few basic supplies:

Cross stitch fabric (14 count Aida cloth is a popular choice for beginners)

Embroidery floss in various colours (DMC is the most commonly used, but CXC is cheaper and uses the same colour number codes)

Cross stitch needles

Embroidery hoop


Cross stitch pattern (either printed or digital)

Understand the Basics:

Cross stitching involves creating X-shaped stitches on a grid-like fabric. Each square on the fabric represents one stitch. The pattern you choose will guide you on which colours to use and where to place each stitch.

Prepare Your Fabric:

Before you begin stitching, it's a good idea to prepare your fabric. If you're using Aida cloth, it often comes with finished edges, but you may still want to hem or tape the edges to prevent fraying. Then, place your fabric in an embroidery hoop to keep it taut while you stitch.

Find Your Starting Point:

Look at your cross-stitch pattern and identify a central point or area to start. This could be the centre of the design or any point that makes sense based on the pattern. Once you've found your starting point, thread your needle with the first floss colour.

Start Stitching:

Begin by making your first stitch from the back of the fabric to the front, leaving a small tail of thread on the backside to secure it. Then, bring your needle back down through the fabric to complete the first half of the cross stitch. Finally, bring your needle back up through the fabric again to complete the X shape. Repeat this process for each stitch according to the pattern.

Follow the Pattern:

As you stitch, refer to your pattern frequently to ensure you're using the correct colours and placing your stitches accurately. Some patterns may use symbols to represent different colours, so familiarize yourself with the legend provided.

Take Your Time:

Cross stitching is a leisurely activity, so there's no need to rush. Take your time with each stitch, ensuring they're neat and even. Don't worry if you make a mistake; it's all part of the learning process!

Finish Your Piece:

Once you've completed all the stitches according to the pattern, it's time to finish your piece. Remove the fabric from the embroidery hoop and trim any excess threads. You can then frame your finished cross stitch or incorporate it into another project, such as a pillow or a tote bag.

Practice and Experiment:

Like any skill, cross stitching takes practice to master. Don't be afraid to experiment with different stitches, colours, and patterns to find what works best for you. The more you stitch, the more confident you'll become!

Enjoy the Process:

Most importantly, enjoy the process of cross stitching! It's a rewarding hobby that allows you to express your creativity and unwind from the stresses of daily life. Whether stitching for yourself or creating a thoughtful gift for a loved one, cherish each moment spent with needle and thread.